होम पेज
प्रश्न संख्या : 9151 • वर्ग all-class वीं
जीएन अध्यन समूह • बिहार बोर्ड ऑनलाइन टेस्ट
!! प्रश्न से समबधित अन्य प्रश्न इस प्रकार है !!
He is taller than you.......... two inches.
There is a bridge............ the railway lines.
He was overwhelmed.......... sorrow.
She agreed............ may proposal.
The dog Snapped .......the thief and caught his leg.
She shuddered........... The dreadful sight.
He is going............ leave next week.
Fortune continued to smile............ me.
Contentment is essesntial.............. happiness.
He has been absent........... Monday.
He is going............ leave next week.